Participant and Parent/Guardian Agreement Form

Each participant and their respective parent/guardian must sign this form. Leaders should bring the signed copy for each student to Quest when they register


Groups use this form to tell us how they would like to arrange their youth in the rooms assigned to their groups. It is completed as part of the registration process.


A medical release form for all students must be completed and turned in as part of the registration process. It is filed with our nurse.

Climbing Tower

In order for a student to experience the climbing tower, zip line, or high ropes elements, the student’s parent or guardian must complete this form.

Adult Leader Expectations Form

Each adult leader should read and sign this form. It outlines the expectations for adult leaders who are coming with the church.

Boat Rentals

If your group would like to rent a boat while at Quest, it may do so by contacting Pierless Boat Rentals. Their dock is on the grounds of Green Lake Conference Center. Please note, however, that Pierless Boat Rentals is not owned or operated by Green Lake Conference Center and is not managed by Quest. All boat rentals must be coordinated with Pierless and must adhere to their policies/procedures. You will need to complete a waiver form when renting a boat. We strong encourage you to contact Pierless before you arrive in order to make sure you have everything you need